Mei-ling first, as have, since, many others, reached up her right hand to fondle my balls while we fucked, doggy-style. Self-interested, of course, since she wanted my come in her own good time, but a
lagniappe still. The act must be awkward for her: Supporting her own weight on her knees and one hand, she found me blindly, knowing only where I must be, without missing a beat in our mutual action.
It takes a sure touch: How gentle she is, though we are both busy: My balls brush brush brush against her
arpeggios as I thwack thwack thwack.
Someone peeping through my legs from behind would see her gesture as beckoning.
Often, a lewd act excites not from sensation, but knowledge: Knowing that someone, once, imagined
this—then did it, then did it again. And again and again and again.
>> posted by John Psmyth
• 6/19/2004 01:01:00 PM
Excitement from knowledge yes, and also, I find, from visualisation---from seeing yourself in that position, as if you were someone else.
I like "arpeggios".
DTG xxoo
Thanks for taking the time to read all the way back to June, from February....