All, all are sleeping The rattle and clutch of a doorknob: the creak of a bedframe weighted down:
I expect to hear bargaining; anticipate listening, in our bed, to the sounds they will make on the other side of the wall.
But silence. No they—
Perhaps she sleeps too.
"I was working until 7:30 this morning." Her hand caresses my thigh, rests there; she tucks her head into my shoulder.
Like breathing out and breathing in—
So still. Not to wake her.
"You are like a soldier, you can sleep anywhere."
"No, I am not like a soldier and I do not sleep with anyone. I can sleep with you because I am comfortable with you."
>> posted by John Psmyth
• 5/10/2006 06:58:00 PM
So you're "....very grateful she's a woman and so easy to forget, rather like a habit one can always break, and yet....." ?
DTG xxoo
Purest coincidence!