Two spoons, one cup: Lan and I sunnily share two scoops of vanilla topped with late strawberries:
And when there's no more but some cream and one strawberry, promptly halved, halved, halved, halved—
At Lan's urging I spoonsnatch the last bite.
>> posted by John Psmyth
• 8/25/2004 08:12:00 PM
ok who is Lan?
Well, she's not in the index, is she....
I couldn't find her there, maybe she is your someone special
I don't lead a double life, at least not in that way. Not all posts are in the present; some are memories, as was this one. Nor is she indexed (see the note on what is indexed and what is not.) But you can try bloggger search on "Lan" for other posts about her. Thanks, as ever, for reading and commenting.