More fave hits AOL: fondle%20balls%20postcards hits Why doggy style is my favorite position.
Google: condom rolls up hits Pammie.
What may not be obvious, to anyone who hasn't viewed source on a VLA page, is that VLA has pursued a counterintuitive keywording strategy: All the usual suspect words—cunt, cock, ass, balls, tits, blowjob, et cetera—are "stealthy": They are commented out in the HTML, and hidden from search engines, thus: c<!---->u<!---->n<!---->t. I wanted people to come for the writing, not for this word or that word.
So VLA doesn't get the usual search engine hits; VLA gets people with more unusual, more focused, more precise urges or requirements.
>> posted by John Psmyth • 2/04/2005 06:20:00 PM •
All characters and situations fictional. Copyright (c) 2003-2007 by "John Psmyth."